英语face the music是什么意思?
英语face the music是什么意思?
英语face the music是什么意思?
把英语face the music学成英语
如果你见到英语face the music时,你首先做出的习惯“反应”依然是停留在去想或者在“努力回忆”它的中文意思“自己做错事就要承担由此产生的后果”,或者“中文什么意思?”,那么这就“表明”:你学了再多的英语,英语依然没有什么进步,你依然严重依赖中文才能“理解”英语。
你通过学习英语face the music,你能不能有机会”“用上”这句英语不是我们关心和讨论的,但是你必须要由此养成“努力去想”它的英语的能力:它的英语是怎么说来了?Whst does it mean when people say:You are facing the music?
下次再见到face the music,你必须能说出或努力想起下面的英语(全部或部分,至少可以积少成多):
1) Well, if you say You face the music, you mean:You must accept/you must face the consequences/the responsibility(=the results of)/accept the punishment for something that you have done wrong.
1) Well, if you say You face the music, you mean:You have done something wrong, so, you must accept/you must face the consequences/the responsibility(=the results of),or you must accept/you must prepare for the punishment for it/you must accept for being punished for it.
这是学习英语face the music后必须“学会”的英语,或者必须“会用”的英语(口语)。光会说一句它的中文意思算什么英语学习(及进步)?
Example 1:Tom broke a dining-room window(He did something wrong,然后呢?) and had to face the music when her father got home(Punished).
Example 2:After failing a math test(Somethibg wrong,然后呢?), Tom had to go home and face the music(punished).
Example 3:If we do nothing to stop the air pollution(Something wrong), I am sure that we will face the music in the future(punished).